Reason’s Why STD Testing is Important

Reason’s Why STD Testing is Important

It’s possible that you’ve heard the phrases STI and STD and wondered how they vary. Simply put, an STI develops into an STD (sexually transmitted disease) (sexually transmitted infection). An STD causes symptoms, whereas STIs may cause no symptoms at all. Here, we’ll discuss the significance of STI testing and four key justifications for getting routine screenings.

Who Should Get SSTI Screened?

STI testing is essential if you’re thinking about getting an abortion because of an unplanned pregnancy. The following testing recommendations for chlamydia and gonorrhea are provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Every year, tests should be administered to all sexually active women under the age of 25.

Women over the age of 25 who have risk factors such as recent or repeated sexual partners or a partner with an STD should also be tested annually.

  • Pregnant women at risk should undergo testing as soon as possible.
  • Every gay and bisexual man who engages in sexual activity should be tested at least once a year.

Let’s look at the significance of STI screening now that you are aware of who requires it.

Here are factors that make STI screening important.

  • STIs are widespread. Even if you have only had one partner and use a condom, you still run the risk of getting an STI if you engage in sexual activity. Each year, 20 million new STIs are reported by the CDC.
  • Gonorrhea and chlamydia typically have no symptoms. Because the most common STIs are frequently asymptomatic, you can’t rely on symptoms to warn you that you could have an STI. “Silent infection” is the name given to Chlamydia. Most women also do not typically experience gonorrhea symptoms; when they do, they frequently confuse them with bladder or vaginal infections.
  • STI testing is simple, rapid, and available. Only a urine sample is needed for STI testing.
  • Future fertility can be protected by early STI testing and treatment. Untreated STIs can result in scarring, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and both male and female infertility (the inability to become pregnant).

The basic line is that STD testing gives you the chance to remain on top of your sexual health, avoid some potentially catastrophic difficulties, and gain a valuable piece of mind. Please get in touch with us right away to learn more here about STD testing and the best schedule for you.