An overview of occupational therapy for autism

An overview of occupational therapy for autism

An individual suffering from autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has difficulty communicating with other people. This puts restrictions on their skills and other activities. In this guide, we are going to help you understand more about occupational therapy for autism. So, if this is something that has got you interested, stay tuned to the article details right below.

How can occupational therapy help evaluate autism?

Firstly, the occupational therapist will give some tasks to these individuals and observe if they can do them as per their age. These would include dressing up on their own or trying to participate in a game. There might be times when the therapist might videotape the individual to see how he or she behaves in an environment. Based on this analysis, the therapist will further start providing the required therapy depending on the person’s needs. Here are a few things that the therapist will make a note of. These include the following:

  • Stamina
  • Attention span
  • Playing skills
  • Shifting from one activity to another
  • Types of behaviors, they would watch out for aggression
  • Response to a type of stimuli
  • Interaction between the caregiver and the individual
  • Manipulation of little objects
  • Posture and balance
  • Need for privacy

The benefits of occupational therapy for autism

The main objective of occupational therapy is to provide help to the person with autism to improve his or her life at home and in school too. The therapist works very patiently with someone suffering from autism because they deserve a lot of love, care, and patience. The therapist would try to improve the skills of autistic people so that they can be confident and independent individuals in society. Some of the benefits of occupational therapy for autistic individuals are as follows:

  • Development of adult and peer relationships
  • Understand and develop how to focus on various tasks
  • Expressing feelings in a better manner
  • Engaging in safe and healthy play with peers

If you know someone who is suffering from autism then occupational therapy can be an ideal solution. Many therapists are available these days can you can book an appointment over a call or through their website. Make sure you take along another person with you when heading to the occupational therapist with the autistic person.

In case of any emergency, you might require some help. You can also discuss what needs to be done before the appointment with the therapist. This will help you prepare the autistic individual and yourself before meeting the occupational therapist.